General Liability Insurance
General Liability Insurance
To protect our commercial clients from bodily injury claims and property damages occurring on their property and for which they are held responsible, Capstone offers a wide range of Commercial General Liability Insurance options. Your policy can be customized to fit the needs of your business, and to provide supplemental coverage for attorney’s fees, court costs and other expenses associated with litigation and liability lawsuit defense as well as judgment payouts.
Capstone offers two forms of General Liability Coverage – an occurrence form and a claims-made form. These two forms are similar in coverage, but differ somewhat in the way that claims are handled. Under an occurrence form, bodily injury and property damage claims that occur during the term are covered, even if a claim is reported after the policy term ends, while the claims-made form, only claims that are filed during the term of the policy are covered.
Available options under these two forms of General Liability Insurance include the following:
General Liability Insurance

Premises, Products and Pollution Liability
Our Commercial General Liability policies offer protection against claims resulting from accidents occurring due to the condition and maintenance of the premises; losses or injuries to consumers resulting from manufacturing defaults and product malfunction; and, any property damage, third-party injury or cleanup liability stemming from pollution as a result of equipment failure.

Commercial Automobile and Garage Liability Insurance
Coverage for commercially owned automobiles, including trucks and private passenger vehicles, is also available under a commercial general liability policy. Additionally, claims arising from damage sustained to customer-owned automobiles entrusted to policyholders can be covered under a commercial garage or garage keeper’s liability; any losses to customer vehicles or equipment occurring during the service, repair or storage of that vehicle on ensured property would be covered.

Liquor Liability Insurance
General Liability policyholders, whose business includes the sale, serving, manufacturing or distributing of alcoholic beverages can be provided with special coverage to protect against claims resulting from contributing to intoxication, sale to minors and other ordinance violations relating to the sale and distribution of liquor and other alcohol.

Excess/Umbrella Liability
Excess and umbrella liability programs offer coverage for catastrophic events resulting in damages exceeding the primary policy’s payout. For instance, a primary policy of $1,000,000 dollars with an excess policy of $5 million would cover losses within the limits of the primary policy and extend losses in excess of that policy, up to $5 million dollars. In the event of a claim that far exceeds the limits of the primary liability policy, excess and umbrella coverage can protect the policyholder from financial devastation.