Risk Management Analysis
Risk Management Analysis
A comprehensive approach to Risk Management, which couples preventative analysis and safety programs with loss control in the claims area, provides a huge cost savings to companies who are serious about implementation of a full-fledged Risk Management plan. At Capstone our Risk Management Team is able to partner with our clients in the development of a comprehensive Risk Management Plan that is specifically designed for their organization or provide individualized services to complement their existing Risk Management Plan. A brief overview of some of our Risk Management Solutions and Services are listed below.
Risk Management
Loss Prevention Through Safety Programs and Safety Training
It is well proven that a detailed Safety Program, coupled with ongoing Safety Training can greatly reduce the number of injuries sustained in a work environment. Capstone can help you develop new Safety Programs, Policies and Procedures and can review and advice you on existing policies. In addition, Capstone’s Risk Management Team can recommend and facilitate Safety Training in regards to any area of concern in any industry. Safety Policies that are not reinforced with regular, repeated training sessions are seldom effective. Capstone will also provide training regarding proper accident/incident reporting and investigation.
Risk Management Reviews, Audits and Studies
Many employers do not even know what potential risks exist in their own workplace. To assist in this initial determination of risk factors, Capstone provides several different assessment tools to help our clients in the development of a true custom Risk Management Plan that addresses the specific risks that are evident in their work environment. These tools include Ergonomic and Noise Control Studies, reviews on legal documents such as contracts, leases and employee handbooks and Risk Management Audits among others.
Regulatory and OSHA Compliance
Pre-employment screening and hiring procedures are strictly regulated. Improper procedures in this area or in the area of ongoing human relations documentation of employee information can pose a very significant litigation risk to employers. Capstone’s Risk Management Team can offer risk assessment and training in this area, as well as Right to Know and Hazard Communication compliance. Assessment of an organization’s OSHA compliance can also be provided by Capstone as a preventative measure to correct issues before they result in fines.