Security Insurance
Security Insurance
When your business is providing security, you deal with a whole different level of Risk Management than most other industries. At Capstone, we understand that. Our Security Specialists ensure that our services go beyond the generic and are custom fit to meet the needs of your industry. Coverage’s provided to the Security Services Industry are: Armed and Unarmed Guards General Liability, Professional Liability, Umbrella Liability, Workers’ Compensation, First and Third Party Dishonesty, Business Auto, Commercial Property and Inland Marine. Our security services experts ensure the coverage your business requires is adequate and our customer advocacy programs are there to support you through the duration of your policy. Coverage is provided on an admitted basis in most states.
Risk Management for the Security Industry

Armed Guard Insurance
A basic professional liability policy could leave areas of exposure for a company which employs and supplies armed guards. Capstone’s Security Specialists are able to detect those unique areas of risk and advise accordingly.

Unarmed Guard Insurance
The Risk Management needs for a security company supplying unarmed guards will be different from that of the company supplying armed guards. At Capstone, we understand the differences and how to tailor your coverage accordingly.

Prisoner Transport Insurance
Prisoner transport is highly regulated by state and federal regulations. Proper Liability and Loss Coverage is an important part of meeting those regulations, as well as the filling requirements for training and certifications. Capstone is fully aware of the Risk Management issues related to Prisoner Transport and can provide services and coverage that address these very specific needs.