Windshield Repair - Capstone Brokerage

Windshield RepairSo with Las Vegas construction on the rise again you may be driving down the freeway and hear the awful sound of a rock hitting your windshield. It can ruin your entire day knowing now you have to deal with windshield damage. You may or may not know that in Las Vegas, Auto insurance policies often cover the repair of windshields without any cost to you. That is of course unless the whole windshield needs to be replaced. A chip or crack doesn’t always mean a new windshield. Most windshield repair shops can fix up to quarter-sized rock chips and cracks as long as 3 inches. In that case most Auto insurance policies will repair this at no cost to you.

Whether you’re going to repair or replace the windshield, it’s best to take action right away. It seems that the sooner you do it the better. Waiting can allow moisture to enter the crack causing further damage. If you go the route of having your windshield repaired it will maintain the original seal around the glass and also is environmentally friendly. In some cases a small nick may not need to be repaired but it is good practice to have it at least looked at.

Many people do not want to make an auto insurance claim for auto glass replacement, because they’re afraid their rates will go up. A cracked windshield, however, is usually not your fault. It’s what insurance companies call a “no-fault” claim, and won’t raise your premiums. It does depend on how your car window was damaged and which insurance company and kind of policy you have.

Auto insurance has what’s called a deductible—the amount your responsible to pay before insurance kicks in. Different policies have different deductibles. There are two types of deductibles as well a comprehensive deductible, is used when damage occurs to your vehicle resulting from a covered loss other than a collision, such as fire, theft, vandalism or contact with persons, animals, birds or falling objects. This is typically what would cover window replacements. Whereas collision deductibles apply to damage caused in a vehicle collision. Keep in mind if your comprehensive deductible is $1000, it wouldn’t make sense to file a claim because windshields are not typically that expensive. But if your comprehensive deductible is lower, such as $250, it could certainly help.

Now one other thing I should mention is that if you are in a parking lot and are approached by a “windshield repair person” who informs you that they can contact your insurance company for you and have the repair done right away, you may want to avoid this. It is best to find a legitimate company to do the repair. Avoid giving out you auto insurance information to just anyone.